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Top 5 lawn care tips to check out
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced gardener, maintaining a lush, green lawn requires a great deal of effort. Usually, you might have to divide the process into daily and weekly tasks. For instance, you might have to water your lawn daily and weed the grass weekly. On that note, here are a few more lawn care tips that will help you nurture your lawn and keep it healthy and evergreen. Lawn care tips Here are a few tips to keep in mind when you’re tending to your lawn: Mow the grass Mowing is essential to achieving a flourishing lawn. Here are a few tips that can help you achieve that: as a standard rule, don’t cut more than 1/3 of the grass blade length, as longer grass blades can grow deeper root systems. Additionally, mix up your mowing patterns. You might also have to mow your lawn regularly during certain seasons, for example, spring, as grass tends to grow at a faster rate when compared to summer, when growth is stunted. Know how and when to water Depending on where you live, you can invest in an irrigation system or let the rain do the job of watering your lawn.